If you’re considering entering the housing market this year, we have one word of advice: START NOW! Don’t wait until the craziness of the spring housing market is in full swing before you decide to enter the game! Be prepared!
Sellers: Meet with your local realtor to start prepping your home for market and to help ensure all of your ducks are in a row. Finish up those projects, slap a fresh coat of paint on those walls, declutter. We are here to help get your home ready to sell quickly and for more!
Buyers: Meet with your local lender to determine how big of a loan you will be approved for. Get approved before you start looking at homes! (Trust us, on this one. It will save you a lot of heartbreak.) Get connected with a good local realtor that knows the community, and communicate your needs and wants. Make sure you’re saving up for a down paymen and don’t take out any new loans.
If you’ve been dreaming about finding that new home or selling your current one, let 2024 be your year! And let us help with that! Give our team a call today!